No Turning Back By George Verwer
All Books are second hand
Book has slight wear and tear
The Bible demands revolutionary commitment and sacrificial love. No turning back is a vigorous and practical call to Christians to really get involved in obeying Christ. God did not create us to live this life at minimum cost. What was His Purpose? Not just that we should be saved and thus go back to where we ought to have started, but rather that we should go on to conquest and worship and enjoy life in abundance. A call to re-dedication, No turning back is designed to reveal how Christians can enter active service. It presents the disciple’s weapons, teaches how to press on when the going gets tough, and seeks to help Christians to ‘live a life of love’, ‘worthy of the God they serve. I would like to dedicate this book to the army of people in Operation Mobilisation, many of whom have stood with my wife Drena and I for over fifteen or twenty years, and especially to Jonathan and Margit McRostie. Jonathan was seriously injured in a car crash in 1982 and is paralysed from the chest down. He is one of many whom I have watched live the kind of life spoken about in this book . . . yes, even from his wheel chair. He recently spoke to seven thousand young people at Mission 83 in Switzerland and over 700 made deeper commitments to Christ and to the great task of telling the whole world about him. - George Verwer