Low Fat Meals In Minutes
All Books are second hand
Ainsley Harriott
'With Ainsley's winning ideas, low-fat doesn't mean you have to lose out on taste.' Hello magazine
Bringing us the best in low-fat tasty food Ainsley Harriott is the master of sensational and speedy cooking.
Packed with 80 scrumptious recipes, from Jalapeo tiger-prawn ginger skewers to Peri peri pork medallions and lemon, Low Fat Meals in Minutes shows that low in fat does not mean low in taste.
Features a special section on delicious and not-so-naughty puddings so you never have to miss out on dessert.
With a tempting colour picture of every recipe and detailed nutritional notes, this collection of Ainsleys favourite low fat dishes wont make you feel youre making any sacrifices.