The Solitude Of Thomas Cave
All Books are second hand
Georgina Harding
I shall not forget the sight of him as we left, that picture stays strong with me; his figure still and straight on the wide shore, the land huge and bare about him, the snowy dip of the valley at his back, the mountains on either side, twin peaks they were of seeming identical height, rising steep and smooth and streaked with grey as if in some strange reversal the rock were ashes that had been poured down onto the snow from heaven; the sea a darkened pewter and having that sluggishness to its movement that comes when it is heavy with the beginnings of ice.
This is not an adventure story of derring-do, or a quest to be first at this or that; neither is it a story of a stranded crew marooned in ice and attempting to get home. This is a story of one man waiting it out in the artic winter to win a bet.