Wilfred Grenfell by A. R. Evans
Upon that Mountain by Eric Shipton
The Mystery of lord Kitcheners Death by Donald McCormick
Deep Seas and Shoal Rivers by Shalimar
Wanton City by Oliver Walker
The Adventures of Philip by William Makepeace Thackeray
Babylon South by Jon Cleary
On the Night of the Seventh Moon
A Clue to The Exit by Edward st Aubyn
Alone to Everest by Earl Denman
The Hunter and the Whale by Laurens van der Post
Madagascar Travels by Christina Dodwell
The Prince and the Pilgrim by Mary Stewart
Doing it with Doris by Kate Turkington
The Desert My Dwelling Place by David Lloyd Owen
Ill Fly No More by Ursula Barnett Potter
Tales from the Arabian Nights by Thomas Nelson
Great Elephant by Alan Scholefield
The Banners of Love by Sacha Carnegie
The Kingdom by Robert Lacey
Lets See if the World is Round by Hakon Mielche
The Luck of Troy by Roger Lancelyn Green
Ghost Ship of the Pole by Wilbur Cross
The Walking Stick by Winston Graham
Towards the Sun by Roy Mac Nab
Recent Heroes of Modern Adventure
Silk Hats and no Breakfast by Honor Tracy
Splintered Crucifix by B. Jordaan
Coromandel Sea Change by Rumer Godden
Heroes of America by Daniel Boone
Fishbowl by Sarah Mlynowski
In the Ring of Fire by Peg Sacco
The Heist by Janet Evanovich